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Neurodiversity at Work
It's time to start the

Inspire Coaching - Expert Neurodivergent Job & Career Support - UK

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity, also known as neurodivergence, represents the concept of cognitive differences which are part of normal brain development variations. Simply put, everyone's brains are wired differently. We all experience the world in different ways, and therefore, it's unsurprising that we think, learn, communicate and behave in our own unique ways. Neurodivergence refers to a community of specific groups of people who have pronounced strengths and challenges. The most commonly known neurodivergences include: Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and Tourette's.

Neurodiversity has become a hot topic for progressive employers who are working hard to understand and tap into it because it is likely to represent a significant proportion of their company's talent pool with 15-20% of the global population being neurodivergent.

Research suggests that there are still many companies who are missing out on a significant pool of untapped talent by ignoring neurodiversity. This is mainly due to a lack of awareness and understanding of what neurodiversity means. However, with greater understanding comes an appreciation of these differences and more willingness to accommodate the needs and strengths of neurodivergent individuals.

In a survey conducted by the UK-based Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2018), 72% of HR professionals said neurodiversity wasn’t included in their people management practices, and 17% said they didn’t know if it was included. This is a big problem, both for neurodivergent individuals AND for the respective organisations whether they currently realise it or not.

What has this got to do with my organisation?

There will already be people in your company who are part of the neurodivergent community, and even some who are unaware that they are. This means it is possible that both your organisation and some of these employees may not be making the most of their unique talents.

​Despite many companies’ increasing their workforce focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), the huge talent pool of qualified neurodivergent individuals is often overlooked in the diversity conversation, and consequently, hiring efforts, with many often filtered out in the initial stages of the recruitment process.

To continue to unconsciously exclude and not actively focus on this significant demographic means your organisation risks missing out on, not only skills and expertise, but productivity and customer trust. Hiring neurodiverse individuals is not being generous or charitable, it just makes good business sense and more companies than ever are seeing and harnessing the competitive advantage that someone with neurodivergence can bring to their business. 

​The competitive advantage that neurodivergence brings, is ‘diversity of thought’ which you will get from employing people with different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. Diversity of thought encourages teams to be more innovative and creative and this innovation and creativity is key, not only to thrive, but for a company to survive a highly competitive and global market.

The research shows that the companies who decide to invest the time in understanding how to employ and support neurodivergent individuals, will and are benefiting greatly.

Many neurodivergent candidates are wired to think out of the box and are gifted in skills that are essential for business success. For example, people with ADHD have exceptional focus and problem-solving abilities. Similarly, autistic people are meticulous and have higher analytical thinking, whereas 'Dyslexic Thinking' is now a skill listed on LinkedIn and has been added to the dictionary. Skills include; critical thinking, innovation, enhanced creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.


Considering neurodiversity as unimportant or not a priority, is not only disregarding the value of neurodivergent individuals, but also ensures you miss out on the unique skills and perspectives they can bring to enhance your organisation’s thinking and productivity and therefore it's ultimate success. Is this something you really want do? 


We know the term 'neurodiversity' encompasses a spectrum of traits which have been labelled as disorders. This is pretty negative right? Especially when these so called 'disorders' often come with gifts and talents that the workplace really needs. Disorder or just difference?

Let me help you to understand this talent better then you decide

How support from Inspire Coaching can help unlock the potential of neurodivergence within your organisation

With the various services on offer, such as 121 workplace coaching, awareness training, and recruitment brokerage and consultancy services, an organisation can benefit in numerous ways by:

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of neurodiversity and how it affects your employees and customers.

  • Learning how to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture that fosters innovation and collaboration.

  • Discovering how to attract, retain, and develop neurodivergent talent for your business.

  • Accessing expert advice on workplace reasonable adjustments and Access to Work funding to ensure you get things right.

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